Terri Kaiser

Certified Amrit Method and Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra

Sound Healing and Mindfulness


Terri Kaiser is the owner of Breathe AZ, a Heart-Based Meditation and Sound Healing Studio. Certified in Advanced Amrit Method Yoga Nidra, Transformational Sleep, Sound Healing and Mindfulness, Terri is a total Law of Attraction enthusiast, and loves to spread that awareness! She currently guides Yoga Nidra and Sound Immersion classes, as well as consulting with private clients and small groups for Meditation and Sound.

“I truly believe that we attract whatever we focus on and think about intensely. My joy is working together to be more mindful, to change the negative into positive, and to start directing your energy into all the right places so that you can attract all of those things you dream of into your life, creating space within for love and joy, success and abundance in all forms!”


  • Tim

    "I have been going to Terri’s Yoga Nidra and Profound Sound meditations for about 5 years and there are several reasons I continue to attend her classes: She is always reliable, she is a top notch communicator. She always communicates what the class is about and what to expect. Terri is kind, gentle and a fantastic listener. I feel so comfortable in her classes that I completely open up my emotions to try to listen to my inner voice. There are few places on the planet that I feel that safe. She creates a vibrant and safe space to open and grow. She never leaves anyone behind. If it is someone’s first time or 100th time, she is welcoming and loving to everyone equally. The greatest compliment I know to give is that her presence and her work help the world to become a more kind and loving place.”

  • Stacey

    My experience with Terri has been nothing but amazing. Her authenticity and passion creates an environment of safety and comfort for her clients. She believes whole heartedly in what she does and has a heart with a beautiful expression. I have been attending Terri’s classes for several years and will continue to do so as it brings a peace within me that I don’t find anywhere else. Her level of expertise with sound is truly exceptional. It is beautifully performed because everything Terri does comes from her heart. I would highly recommend Teri to anyone looking for someone with a true love for what they do. and is able to orchestrate the perfect balance of sound. I appreciate how she has us set an intention at the start of class so that we are able to positively impact our thoughts. It’s clear that Terri cares about her students on and off the mat and wants each and every one to succeed in becoming more peaceful, centered, and joyous. I recommend her classes to everyone!”

  • Kelli

    "My experience with Terri has been nothing but amazing. Her authenticity and passion creates an environment of safety and comfort for her clients. She believes whole heartedly in what she does and has a heart with a beautiful expression. I have been attending Terri’s classes for several years and will continue to do so as it brings a peace within me that I don’t find anywhere else. Her level of expertise with sound is truly exceptional. It is beautifully performed because everything Terri does comes from her heart. I would highly recommend Terri to anyone looking for someone with a true love for what they do.”