Mindful Kawa LLC`s website (and all content on Our Website) and Our Online Courses, Classes contain information and instruction about wellness topics including, but not limited to yoga, meditation, nutrition, exercise, fitness, relationships, self-development, and some of the products and services available through Our Website and Online Courses and Classes are about such topics (such products and services, together with Our Website and Our Online Courses, collectively, "Our Wellness Content"). You acknowledge and agree that all of Our Wellness Content is subject to the following warnings and disclaimers. Mindful Kawa LLC and its employees and collaborators are not licensed medical care providers, life coaches, relationship counselors, psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, first responders, or any other type of professional care provider ("Professional Care Provider") and have no expertise in advising on, diagnosing, examining, or treating medical, emotional, psychological, relationship, or self development conditions of any kind ("Conditions"), or determining the effect of any specific acquittal. Although some of Mindful Kawa LLC's content providers may be Professional Care Providers, Mindful Kawa LLC, its staff, and its content providers are not delivering you professional advice of any kind, including but not limited to medical, emotional, personal, phycological, relationship, self development, coaching, counseling, or treatment, ("Professional Advice"), but are merely providing general educational information about health and wellbeing topics. You understand and agree that there is a risk of physical injury, emotional pain, and/or death when participating in any yoga, eating plan, workout, exercise regimen, or other activity or program described in Our Wellness Content, and you accept that risk and responsibility for any such results. Mindful Kawa LLC Wellness Content is not intended to be a replacement for Professional Advice from Your Professional Care Provider, and We make no implied or expressed guarantees as to the accuracy, comprehensiveness, validity, completeness, appropriateness or competency for any purpose of any information or content contained in Our Wellness Content. You should be aware that health advice and other Professional Advice are frequently updated and refined as a result of medical, mental, spiritual and other innovations, research and advancements. Mindful Kawa LLC is dedicated to providing you with the most recent information; however, we make no warranty that the information contained herein is the most recent on any particular subject. Before beginning any exercise, physical movement, meditation, yoga, Pilates, or other exercise program, making choices about food and nutrition, or participating in any other activity or program described in Our Wellness Content, you are advised to contact your health care provider or other Professional Care Provider with any issues or queries you may have about any medical condition or other Condition that you may have. We strongly advise you to consult with a physician or other healthcare provider before beginning any diet or exercise program or using any nutrition advice or fitness products or services described and/or made available in or through Our Website and/or Our Online Courses. You should never ignore medical or other professional advice or postpone seeking it because of something you read, viewed or heard in Our Wellness Content. Mindful Kawa LLC Wellness Content should not be used in place of credentialed medical professionals such as your doctor, nutritionist, or other Professional Care Provider. It is critical that Our Wellness Content be used in tandem with professional medical advice and advice from other relevant Professional Care Providers. If you are pregnant, have diabetes, have an eating disorder, have an addiction, or have any other physical, psychological, emotional, or health condition, you must consult with your doctor or other Professional Care Provider before using Our Wellness Content. If you feel any pain or discomfort while participating in an activity in Our Wellness Content, including an exercise routine or diet, you must stop immediately and seek the assistance of a healthcare professional or other appropriate Professional Care Provider. Completion of any Mindful Kawa LLC class, course, or series of Mindful Kawa LLC courses, and any certificate or other evidence of completion provided by Mindful Kawa LLC, may not be recognized by third party companies, such as business owners, government entities, and academic institutions, as conferring any particular qualification, skill-set, or health and wellness to exercise or operate any specific task or vocation, and Mindful Kawa LLC makes no portrayals or guarantees to that effect. Mindful Kawa LLC, its courses, classes, website content and the instructors who teach them have not been accredited or evaluated by any governmental, educational, or other independent organization. Completing Mindful Kawa LLC's courses does not result in academic credit that is acknowledged or transferable to any academic institutions. Mindful Kawa LLC, its courses, classes, website content and the instructors who teach them do not provide medical advice or recommend the use of any technique or tool as a substitute for treatment for physical, medical, or mental problems provided by your doctor, either directly or indirectly. Our goal is to provide information that will assist the user in their journey toward emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.