Sarah Ghekiere

Naturopathic Doctor



Although trained as a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist, I felt limited in relation to what I knew my patients needed. I am intuitively tapped into a deeper energetic component to health and have been on a journey of discovering it since 2017. I originally got into Naturopathic Medicine as an alternative to Traditional Medical School due to my own health issues. After being told I would need to be on medication for the rest of my life at age 22, I refused to accept that fate and started doing my own research. I found a Naturopathic Doctor who helped me reverse my physical aliments. Within a year I was enrolled in classes to become an ND myself.

As I began working with my own patients, I started getting intuitive insights of the deeper reasons they were dealing with their physical aliments - especially the ones who were doing everything right and still not finding relief. Each person was different but they all circled around the need for emotional healing and developing a more loving relationship with themselves. Since then I have been on a journey of discovering a grounded, practical way to help people do this for themselves. I went back to school for my Masters of Acupuncture where I learned about the body's energetic channels and how emotions can affect the flow of energy within them, leading to physical aliments. I was also trained in holistic counseling and began working as an empowerment coach which lead to a much deeper understanding of how I am meant to help people in my own unique way.

All the while, I have been on a transformational healing journey myself. After years of expecting myself to get to this magical healed place where the tests and triggers no longer occur, I’ve come to an understanding of the cyclical nature of life and its lessons. I’ve learned it’s not about being perfectly healed - it’s about dropping into the flow of your life, putting your energy towards what you can actually control and consistently taking care of yourself in the way your body needs. I am now focused on teaching how you can do this for yourself.

I currently live in Colorado with my partner Ryan and fur babe Reece. I love slow mornings, learning new perspectives, hand building pottery, experimenting with new recipes while drinking an adaptogenic mocktail (or hard cider/craft beer), and talking all things consciousness health. You may find me at a local brewery, coffee shop or out exploring the mountains - hiking, off-roading, backcountry camping, or snowboarding.

On Tuesdays + Thursdays you’ll find me at Westminster Spine + Injury + Laser Center practicing Acupuncture where I see: pain - both acute and chronic conditions, emotional disturbances, headaches, insomnia, and GI issues.

I recently started volunteering at Rocky Mountain Riding Therapy - a ranch in Boulder whose mission is to assist individuals with physical, cognitive, and/or emotional challenges to reach their fullest potential through equine-assisted therapies and activities.


  • GS

    “I’ve gained so much perspective from Sarah. It’s really helped me to rest in how things have been unfolding. I’m no longer fighting to control my life, I am so grateful to you!”

  • GB

    “Sarah has a beautiful gift! She brought so much healing, peace & clarity that allowed me to take the action necessary in my life that I had been scared to take. She got me out of a dark place in a gentle and loving way, with some powerfully guided sessions. This is something I will be FOREVER grateful for!”

  • VS

    "Wow, I feel completely revitalized and know exactly what I need to do for myself. I've never felt so hopeful and clear about what I need to focus on."