Focus on being aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

Retreat Content

    1. Yoga Nidra Meditation for Chronic Pain - This practice will enable you to access the nervous system and help reset stored patterns.

    1. Weight Loss Dieting - Learn how long a weight loss diet should last, as well as how to reverse diet without experiencing the yo-yo effect, and losing the progress you've made.

    1. How to climb the Mountain of Inner Peace - Learn about the human Consciousness map and how to reach the highest vibrational experience in your life.

    2. Align with Your Soul + Climb the Mountain to Inner Peace - The Guide

About this Retreat

  • 2 hours of video content

Wellness Experts Featured in this Retreat

Sara Merrick-Albano

Yoga Therapist

E-RYT-200, RYT-500

Francesca Orlando

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Sarah Ghekiere

Naturopathic Doctor


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