Dana Shamas

Personal Wellness Coach

Certified Yoga Therapist

Breathwork Coach

Biofield Tuning Practitioner


I am passionate about being a present and supportive guide for others as they find their own path. This stems from a lifelong journey of health, wellbeing and personal growth. I have a deep connection to food and healthy eating and bring this practice forward for my clients to keep their physical bodies healthy.

I LOVE coaching people toward experiencing more! MORE of life in whatever way that looks for them. For some people that is learning to feel and express more in a yoga pose. For others that is feeling their emotions and connecting to them as fuel and guidance vs. fear and suppression. It could be exploring a new adventure or even learning how to receive information from the etheric realm to express their divine purpose.

My work with clients constantly brings them back to their center so they can experience their own energy. Whether through breathwork, biofield tuning or therapeutic yoga - the practice is to let go of the chatter, doubt and worry.


  • Ilyea G.

    "Dana helped me reconnect with myself. I'm the person who has it "together." But years of stress caused an energy blockage. First, this looked like becoming very structured and less creative and eventually became physical with antsy behavior and chest tension. Through a series of virtual one-on-ones, she taught me practical skills to become more connected to my entire self - not just what was happening in my head but noticing how my body was reacting to emotions. I went from feeling restricted to re-welcoming my child-self back into my daily life. She helped me identify my core values that I now confidently live through. I enjoy learning how to meditate and engaging in life with more intention and attention. Dana is a wonderful listener and creates a safe space, which allowed me to venture down into the depths of my soul. This guided self-exploration rekindles the spirit that is a true beacon for a living!"

  • Kara N.

    "In this time of heightened uncertainty, one thing has remained constant – Dana’s ability to hold space for people to connect to themselves and make the changes they want to see in their lives. It’s been a lifeline to me as I try to keep a cool head and an open heart these last few months. I highly encourage anyone who wants to connect to a community of like-minded people while getting guidance from a truly gifted teacher. I just can’t say enough good things about it, especially to my friends who are not in Houston who has been hearing me rave about her work for years but now actually have the chance to access her work online."

  • Maura J.

    "I have been practicing yoga for 26 years and not just any class will do. What people call yoga can mean a lot of things. For me, a yoga class must be grounded in the meaning of the word yoga -- to "join" or "unite" the body and mind. I practice yoga to slow my breath, calm my mind, and anchor my spirit through the movement of the body. Dana's class provides a space for all of this to happen. It is also important for me to continue to learn -- about yoga, about my body, about poses -- so finding a teacher who has the depth of experience to be able to take my practice to the next level is key. I learn more about my own approach to each pose in classes with Dana. She begins class asking us where we are and what we need, which allows her to tailor it to those of us in practice. I find her classes grounding, but also light and fun! All of this translates through the online format. In fact, I have taken more virtual classes with Dana than in-person ones. She takes the time to make sure everyone's device is set up so she can see and she really pays attention to each of us."

Retreats Featuring Dana
