Restoring and inviting calm, relaxation and serenity in your life. Minimizing the chronic stress and anxiety in your body and mind.

Retreat Content

    1. Meditation for Reconnecting with your Energetic Heart Center - This practice is designed for more clarity, connection, and grounding in the present moment, so you can take the next best step forward to find your path.

    1. Detoxification Diet - Lean tips about nutrients to help the body detoxify, as well as specific foods you should eat to support your body in the process.

    1. Charkas 101 - Learn how to determine whether each of your seven primary chakras is blocked or overactive. Additionally, you will be guided through a chakra-connection meditation.

About this Retreat

  • 1 hour of video content

Wellness Experts Featured in this Retreat

Dana Shamas

Personal Wellness Coach

Certified Yoga Therapist

Breathwork Coach

Biofield Tuning Practitioner

Francesca Orlando

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Robyn Lilly

Life Coach

Yoga Instructor

Reiki Practitioner

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