Taylor Scarpello

Holistic Health Practitioner

Theta Healing®️ Practitioner

RYT 200HR Yoga Instructor


I greatly understand how obstacles along one’s journey, can affect mindset, confidence, and the outlook on life. For over eleven years, I have struggled with Cystic Acne and suffered from Epstein Barr Virus, which tore my world apart. After being told numerous times you have to accept that there is no way to heal and trying each product on the market, I turned inward connecting Mind + Body + Soul to heal within.

I firmly believe by living a Holistic lifestyle, one can optimally thrive. My goal is to empower others to achieve limitless beauty and optimal health through connecting their inner and outer world. Turning inward allowed me to overcome numerous obstacles and led me to achieving my purpose as a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Theta Healing Practitioner, and RYT 200HR Yoga Instructor specializing in Yoga Nidra and Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma.

Through my Holistic Practice, we focus on strengthening each individual from the inside out discovering the root cause preventing them from feeling and becoming their best. When it comes to healing, I firmly believe there is no one way street, therefore implementing modalities that align the Mind + Body + Soul allow for all pieces of the puzzle to come together, creating a beautiful masterpiece. I’d love to help you find your new path and discover how you can step into the best version of YOU! It’s time to transform on every level possible!


  • Sam C.

    "Over the past couple of weeks I had been feeling off and was experiencing some odd changes with my health so I reached out to Taylor. I intuitively had a feeling about what was causing these changes and Taylor confirmed them by completing a body scan and doing a theta healing session on me from afar. She was able to receive so much information about what was going on inside of my body and what I could do to help it. I followed her advice from the downloads she received and I am feeling soooo much better already! It is so mind blowing how intuitive she is and how she is able to receive so much information just from working with your energy. I gave her the new nickname “medical medium” because she might as well be one!"

  • Sarah H.

    "Being coached by Taylor has been extremely transformative in my healing journey. I have learned what my triggers might be as far as what will cause more inflammation in my body, and in turn cause those negative experiences. Together, Taylor and I have assessed my current regime, found some gaps where I can improve, implemented new supplements based on symptoms and labs, and found daily habits that are sustainable and support my personal health goals. She is intuitive, genuine, flexible, knowledgeable, and has the ability to merge science and spiritual health together to find a path for you. I am super busy and the ability to communicate through email, text, and phone has been super appreciated. I highly recommend her as a coach and look forward to my progression in the near future. Thanks Taylor!"

  • Paula S.

    "The theta healing session that I had with Taylor was very healing both physically and emotionally. Taylor was able to get to the bottom of my core beliefs and explained how things really aren’t as complicated as I have made them to be. She actually helped to rid me of my knee pain which was connected to lack of support. Once the session was over I felt so much better, its been weeks and I no longer experience pain in my knees."