Focus on improving conditions that affect a woman's physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Retreat Content

    1. Manifestation Meditation Through the Theta State - A gentle journey connecting with all 7 chakra centers.

    1. Thyroid Function 101 - Learn about the thyroid function, thyroid hormones and what we can do to nutritionally support our thyroid.

    1. Stress: Understanding Short and Long Term Health Impact - Learn about how the different stress levels can affect our wellbeing and everything else around us.

    2. Practice for Releasing Negative Emotions - A silent counseling therapy practice, to enable you to connect and release negative emotions stuck in your body.

    3. Quantum Meditation for Stress Reduction - This practice enables you to be the human being you want to be and to find the infinite fountain of joy that is within you.

About this Retreat

  • 2 hours of video content

Wellness Experts Featured in this Retreat

Taylor Scarpello

Holistic Health Practitioner

Theta Healing Practitioner

RYT 200HR Yoga Instructor

Francesca Orlando

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Melissa Pazzanese

Parenting Coach

Energy Healer Therapist

Baby Massage Instructor

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