Tara Bianca

Holistic Health Practitioner

BE LIGHT Transformative Therapy - Breathwork, Bodywork, Mindset and Sound Healing


Tara has been a holistic health practitioner for almost 20 years. She is the owner of BE Light Transformative Therapy, a now fully online holistic health company specializing in therapeutic breathwork, bodywork, mindset and sound healing.

Her primary focus is on educating and coaching people to change the quality of their breathing, in order to powerfully improve the quality of their lives. She is passionate about building a global community that is dedicated to achieving optimal health and wellness – for people and for planet – as holistically as possible.


  • Gino

    "I am so glad I took this course! It has given me an understanding of how I should be breathing, how to practice it and how my body will experience the benefits. I am already seeing great results! Tara's sessions had the right blend of teaching and practical work, to make my ongoing practice more purposeful and sustainable. Tara is the consummate professional, highly skilled in teaching breathwork for optimal health. She is also responsive and caring. It was an absolute pleasure to study with her and I highly recommend this course to everyone!"

  • Tom G.

    "Tara's 4-Week Breath Boot Camp is a must for all! Tara is a terrific teacher. She has developed a class dense with information, yet breaks down the material in a very accessible way. The class has a perfect balance between lecture and exploration/exercises. I highly recommend this class to anyone interested in breathwork and for those who aren't, it is even more essential they take it."

  • Alisa D.

    "Tara is amazing at what she does! Her passion and dedication are beyond words! She is a calm and thoughtful teacher who really cares about this subject. She helped me understand the basics of breathing and showed me simple exercises that can help me achieve my goals and start breathing better and lighter."

Retreats Featuring Tara