Jacqueline Jones

Board-Certified Art Therapist

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Feng Shui Consultant

Reiki Practitioner

Yoga Teacher


Jacqueline Jones is owner and practitioner of Flourish Momentum: integrative health and wellness for mind, body, soul, space. She works primarily with individuals, guiding clients on individualized holistic paths to heal root causes of dis-ease and to work through physical and emotional challenges, addressing their mind, body, soul, and space so they can truly heal, shift, and thrive.

She utilizes a proprietary blend of services therapeutically in her approach, including Art Therapy, Yoga and Meditation, Energy Medicine Yoga, iRest® Yoga Nidra, Zentangle®, Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching, Reiki, ThetaHealing® and Feng Shui.

Sessions allow ample time for verbal communication as well as integrative experientials (such as guided art making, meditation, or energy healing) to promote healing and deep integration. She also offers services to groups, such as classes as well as nonprofit and corporate wellness experiences. She provides services in person and online.


  • Kristi

    "Jackie is pure magic. She is such a gifted artist, healer, intuitive, and empath who is deeply knowledgeable about all things health and wellness related. From fine tuning your outside space through Feng Shui to recalibrating your inner space through art/reiki/mindfulness practices, Jackie teaches how small adjustments can lead to enormous transformation. She gently reignites and fans the flames of the creative spark that resides within us all, reminding us that we have so much power to heal ourselves on every level. She’s the best!!!"

  • Hannah

    "To speak of Jackie’s work, is to speak of the extreme progress I have made working with her. She never lets me “fall off the wagon” and holds me accountable to doing important self work. She listens, tailors sessions perfectly surrounding my trauma, my anxiety attacks, my triggers, my pain. I couldn’t think of a more well equipped person to be on this journey of chronic pain and overall self wellness with me than Jackie. She’s resilient, graceful, knowledgeable, funny as all hell, and can lead you down any path you would need to elevate your wellness and overall happiness. Cannot recommend her enough YOU NEED HER IN YOUR LIFE"

  • Timothy

    "I spent years working with traditional talk therapists to address my traumatic experiences and nothing seemed to work until I met with Jackie and she introduced me to art therapy and everything that comes with that. I found that I could explore sensitive issues without having to say a word until I was ready but still express emotion through the art aspect. She is an extremely capable professional and can shed light on whatever parts of your life seem stuck and then work with you to develop a path to regaining balance and health."