Focus on being aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.

Retreat Content

    1. Meditation Practice - Learn How to cultivate awareness of the present moment through the dance of breath and thoughts.

    1. Gluten Free Lifestyle - Learn about the health benefits, tips and ideas to start your gluten free journey

    1. Energy Medicine Yoga Wake Up Practice - Learn how to optimize your energy, boost your immune system and ground you in the present moment.

About this Retreat

  • 1 hour of video content

Wellness Experts Featured in this Retreat

Neeta Handa

Clinical Hypnotherapist


Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Meditation and Breathwork Facilitator

Usui Reiki Master

Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher

Jody Vining

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Yoga Instructor

Jacqueline Jones

Board-Certified Art Therapist

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Feng Shui Consultant

Reiki Practitioner

Yoga Teacher

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