Courtney Kinnett-Hooper

Functional Nutrition Practitioner


Hello my beautiful friend, I'm Courtney! My mission in life is to help you heal from chronic health challenges from the root cause…none of this Band-Aid crap that only gives you temporary relief. And my wish for you is to finally be FREE from your chronic health challenges because I know what it’s like to not be able to get out of bed…and feel unsafe in your own body.

Firsthand, I have experienced debilitating health challenges ranging from melanoma to heart surgeries to being bed ridden with extreme fatigue, gut health issues, stomach pains I couldn’t walk or eat…just miserable. No answers. No relief in sight. I felt like the medical system had failed me.

I knew something was being missed, and I was determined to find it myself. I dove deep into the health world becoming a Functional Nutrition Practitioner…and then I discovered the magical world of detox (the right way I might add). Walking myself through protocols, I FINALLY found the answers I had been searching for - and healing from the true root cause. I’ve gone on to help so many heal their own chronic health challenges, and regain hope and trust in their body’s again.

I share my story because it’s what drove my passion to help others like you who may be frustrated, like a lost cause, that healing is not going to be an option for you. You deserve to heal. You deserve to live a vibrant, thriving life you dream of.

Don’t settle. There is an answer for you - we just have to get to the root!


  • Jessie H.

    "Before working with Courtney, I was depressed, had zero confidence and I wanted to sleep all day. Now I feel ambitious, motivated and when I look in the mirror I love myself. The biggest change I noticed since working with Courtney is my attitude and what I accomplished in 12 weeks, my whole life changed. I went from zero interest in my life to living again and things have changed 100%! I'm off my anxiety medication I took for over 10 years! I feel healthier, I'm sleeping better and I'm going on adventures doing things I love again. Courtney will make you a better version of yourself if you follow her recommendations!"

  • Sara M.

    "Courtney came into my life at the perfect time. I’ve spent my whole life working against my body. Courtney has helped me in some of my hardest times. I am slowly learning to trust my body again, to love and see it for what it truly is and does for me day in and day out for the first time. Courtney has taught me that not only is food not bad, it is wonderful. As much as I still have to learn, I do know this, the only body I have to listen to is mine, and I’m doing wonderfully. Break up with the diet culture and learn to love yourself without guilt or shame. OH and her lovely change of mindset has gone beyond just food. “Workouts!” I learned that a workout could be several things, and not specifically just in the gym. ALSO that hormones play a huge part in everything and that my body wanting to be slow and gentle sometimes ISNT laziness! It’s natural and I should listen! I’m listening to my body for the first time in a long time."

  • Kaylee C.

    “Courtney was willing to do whatever it took to help me feel motivated and keep my goals in sight. She took the time to get to know me and try to find things that would work specifically for me and my lifestyle. I have seen a significant change in my energy levels as well as how happy I feel on a day to day basis. I overall feel more confident and happy that I am who I am. Courtney is someone who really wants to make a change in people’s lives. She really wants to help you set goals and see you follow through and achieve them.”