Christie Bloom

Registered Yoga Teacher

Certified Breath Therapist

Certified HeartMath® Mentor

Raindrop Therapist


When I was around eight years old, I felt different. I had an urging inside me that I could live a blissful life. I had a whisper in my spirit that I could get what I wanted without money or material things...I set goals for attaining things and I experimented in having what I desired.

In time I realized the joy wasn’t about the stuff, it was about how it made you feel. I also discovered that I could choose to feel that way anytime I wanted to through simple practices of self awareness and I lived a wealthy childhood on a pauper’s pay check. As an adult I have been sharing these mindfulness practices in several strategic ways that I invite you to participate in.

I am an experienced registered yoga teacher, certified breath therapist, certified HeartMath mentor, 2200 RMT, Reflexologist, and Raindrop Therapist. Along with the certifications, I am a 3x Yoga Studio Owner and Recipient of MindBody Online's Visionary Award 2018, a Wellness Industry Team Talent and Culture Lead, Corporate Wellness Speaker/Presenter, a Retreat Wellness Contributor, and a mother of 4.

I live what I teach. I believe in always controlling your own power. Life should not feel so serious, you should feel joy each day. My teaching must offer you results. This is an opportunity for everyone, and you will always feel welcome.


  • Sherry B.

    "Christie provided a customized, private yoga experience for my 3 daughters and me. I wanted us to have a meaningful time together to connect (as one of my daughters was visiting from out of town, one recently had a baby, and one is ever busy with school and activities). Christie’s calming voice took us to another place! Her positive, mindful words were soothing and healing, bringing awareness and purpose to our time together. We all needed this more than we knew. Thank you!"

  • Cara H.

    "Our organization was fortunate to have Christie Skiftun engage us in a seminar on mindfulness and meditation. The experience was described by the staff as transformative, inspirational and deeply meaningful. Christie’s approach allowed each participant to take the knowledge, understanding and practice that she presented, at her/his own level or interest and ability. She provoked us to examine the power of a mindful mediation practice in our individual lives. I strongly believe that we left the seminar with open minds to the possibilities and potential impacts her teaching could have for us all. She was admirably professional, while building connections with our participants in a kind, comfortable manner. I am looking forward to our next seminar with Christie and would not hesitate to recommend her services to friends, family and colleagues in the future."

  • Lynda B

    "You have no idea how many staff you have touched! Everyone is still talking about your session and the things they have learned. It couldn’t of come at a perfect time as I felt staff really needed it and especially during these times they can use the techniques you provided while they are home. I know the breathing technics I have been using as I am working with a 20 month old!"

Retreats Featuring Christie

Rhythms of Renewal: New Beginnings Mini Retreat

Live Recording

Articles by Christie

Are You Holding On Too Tight? How To Let It Go.

There is a practice that exists off your yoga mat. It is a practice of life, a practice to know happiness, contentment, joy, and peace. A practice to experience fulfillment and adventure. To reach freedom and hear wisdom. This practice happens through direction from the yamas and niyamas, personal restraints and personal practices.

5 Things You May Be Doing That Weaken Your Resilience

Negativity does not naturally dwell in your mind and body. You have a bias for it and therefore it presents powerfully in your life. When negativity enters your thought patterns and consciousness, it sticks like Superglue. The negativity bias impacts basically your entire life. It impacts your choices, and creates a lens through which you see your world, and ultimately weakens your ability to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions - the weakening of your resilience.

How To Get Through “Those” Moments

Feeling derailed, stressed out, or anxious? Can’t fall asleep because you are replaying your day over and over and over only to pause to judge yourself for something. Feeling scattered, needing to get focused?

By using the following breath techniques you can drastically change the outcome of your day from a draining one to an uplifting one.

Why You Want to be Uncomfortable

The unknown, the scary, the sense of loss needed to be there to disrupt my patterns and conditioning of known....not better, not necessarily good, but known. In this moment I realized on one hand I had this intense desire for things in life, and on the other I had what was familiar, what was safe. As long as I stayed in the place of safe and familiar, I would go nowhere. I believe being sustained in the uncomfortable was what changed my life. Here's why and more importantly, how to get through it...

2 Things to Do Today to Drastically Improve Your Life

You like the idea of yoga, you've heard the great benefits, but do you have the time in your busy schedule? We know about compound interest, investing, etc. You take a reasonable, comfortable amount of money and slowly overtime create an abundance. What if you thought of your energy, health, emotional well-being, mental state in the same way? What if you took small amounts of your effort and time on a consistent basis and turned that investment into an abundance of physical, emotional and mental well-being? You can and here's how....