Anne Rajoo

Peaceful Productivity Mentor


Anne Rajoo is a “recovering supermum.” As a career woman, wife, and mum with two young boys, Anne became overwhelmed with the crazy expectations of motherhood and her belief that everything had to be perfect. Her daily treadmill of routines left her wondering if this was all there was to life. She didn’t want to lose another day resenting her life as a mum, so she turned her focus on how to thrive in and beyond motherhood.

Today, Anne Rajoo shares practical wisdom and strategies with mums around the world, encouraging, equipping, and challenging them to break patterns and say YES to themselves. Through her coaching Anne helps mums of all ages truly connect to themselves, feel alive, and take confident action towards creating a life they love.


  • Huimin T.

    "Anne is an amazing coach! I was feeling overwhelmed as a mother and an entrepreneur, and Anne very skillfully helped me to identify what were some of the root causes that I could start to address to break out of the overwhelm-cycle. She is compassionate, sharp, and fully committed to her clients' goals and wellbeing. I have a lot of trust in Anne and I know that anyone who chooses to work with her are in good hands."

  • Florence O.

    "After many years as a stay-home-mom, I decided to transition back into the paid workforce and make a career shift. But my confidence levels were low and I didn't know where to begin with job hunting - until I started coaching sessions with Anne! She helped me set goals, identify my unique strengths and skill-set, and gave me practical advice on crafting a compelling CV and networking, among other things. I always look forward to our short sessions - we pack a lot into 45 minutes! - and leave feeling energized and encouraged. Anne is engaging, warm and friendly while maintaining an objective and professional demeanor."

  • Karen T.

    "I`ve been working with Anne for a few weeks now. We`ve been talking about transition to motherhood while still being involved in the studio. Anne has been such a great listener and coach. With golden strategies inspired by her own experience. Our sessions have helped me viewing and experiencing this transition from another perspective. Her approach is aligned with my personal beliefs in/of self-care & self-love. She`s been helping me embrace my new role & new identity as a mother AND studio owner, with confidence that I can do both."

Retreats Featuring Anne