Melissa Pazzanese

Parenting Coach

Energy Healer Therapist

Baby Massage Instructor


My name is Melissa. I am a mother of three, an energy healer therapist, a baby massage instructor, an early years music educator, and a parenting coach. I help stressed parents to find alternative ways to support themselves and their child, without having to rely on diagnosis, psychiatrists or medication.

My mission is to help as many parents as I possibly can, to heal from toxic stress so they can find an approach that works for them and their child without feeling overwhelmed and questioning if they are doing the right thing all the time. I have supported myself and my children through toxic stress, I went through a divorce in an abusive relationship and when I thought there was no way out, I managed to overcome all the blockages that could exist in my way. I cannot wait to be able to meet you and help you do exact the same, by releasing toxic stress and getting clarity in the way you parent your child.


  • Janaina

    "It's been 2 months I started Melissa's course and 1 to 1 support and I already see a big difference in my daughter's behavior and our connection. We have been having less fights, the whining and crying have de-escalate enormously."

  • J.C.

    "I have only to thank Melissa for her incredible work and coaching. You are a star! Before my daughter would wake up winning and it is a relieve to see how that has improved. The shouting has also decreased and she is using more her words instead of grunting. I'm able to understand better my triggers and tackle them before I act"

  • J.P.

    "I was quite surprised to be truthful. I feel quite embarrassed saying it so but there were a couple of times where I simply wanted to just cry. Haha, I can feel the effect even now still working. When the original feelings try getting hold, I can sense them melting away slightly. So instead of a constant block of anger and stress it comes and goes in waves."

Retreats Featuring Melissa