Lori Lloyd Swearingin

EFT Master Practitioner

Advanced Clinical Hypnotist

Stress & Anxiety Relief Coach

Therapeutic Imagery Specialist


For many years, Lori struggled with cumulative traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, episodes of panic, among other health challenges. She tried counseling, and several medications prescribed by her doctors. She also realized the side effects and limitations of those medications.

Her frustration sparked a determination to discover something else. She became interested in natural health, and holistic wellness methods. She studied everything she could get her hands on that could improve physical and emotional wellness.

She had been a devoted stay-at-home mom for 20 years, and realized that with the things she had been learning, she could not only help herself, but that she could envision herself teaching the methods to others. It occurred to her that there had been a purpose in her own suffering.

Her studies over the last eight years have included natural health and wellness, hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, and coaching. She is an avid reader, and continues to learn new and empowering methods that will benefit her clients.

She began working with hypnosis clients in 2017. Then when the pandemic and the lockdowns happened, and people were under even more stress than normal, Lori decided to begin specializing in stress and anxiety relief, and emotional self-regulation.

Combining the proven techniques that she has studied, she created a transformative program for assisting those who struggle under the weight of chronic stress, anxiety, and panic. Her clients learn to neutralize the anxiety response, and to face life’s challenges with calm confidence. It is her desire and commitment to inspire others to wellness, and empower them on their own self-improvement journey.

“...to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • B.K.

    “Lori puts so much thought and intentionality in everything she does for her clients. She takes the time to get to know you in her 1-to-1 sessions, and chooses techniques she believes will work best for you. She also provides pre-recorded meditations that you can use when you need a quiet moment to re-focus your mind, and just relax. My favorite is her Sunny Beach Walk meditation. It’s my go-to when I feel my anxiety building, and feel the need to escape. You’ll be glad you purchased this meditation. Between Lori’s soothing voice guiding you toward the beautiful imagery, and her intentional, thoughtful guidance, this will quickly become a favorite way for you to de-stress, and relax your body and mind.”

  • B.P.

    “Lori has been instrumental in helping me identify, and break through my limiting beliefs, and rewire for a more healthy, positive mindset. She uses a mix of hypnosis, EFT, meditation, and more to help me build new habits. I’m always pleasantly surprised with her many ways to solve problems. She developed a customized program that really helped dissolve the stress. After the session, I feel huge pressure lifted off, and a fresh new spirit about everything we work on. I feel like we can redesign my thoughts to make everything possible. Thank you, Lori!”

  • C.P.

    “When I found out you help people through all these medicine-free methods, I knew I had to be a part of your program! There were so many things I was stuck on...20-30 years for some, and all my life for others. I’m so thankful that you have a program that’s not one size fits all. It’s been my own journey by allowing me to identify my issues, and you tailoring the best methods to help me get past the hang-ups.”