Kate Young

Registered Holistic Nutritionist



Kate Young is a WHOLE-being empowerment coach using nutrition, numerology, energy balancing + toxin free living to get every level of your BE-ing online + vibing high so that you can live your life knowing exactly who you are, and feel vibrant and free while doing it.

Kate is a registered holistic nutritionist who looks at the entire person, body - mind - energy - spirit, to not only get to the root of low frequency dis-ease states but also harmonize them to support your highest good and wellbeing. Kate frequently uses a mix of food, supplements, essential oils, energy balancing, numerology and tarot to hold space for your expansion and growth.

When not supporting others in wellness you can find her spending time with her 2 young kiddos, playing in the sunshine of the beautiful Okanagan Valley or in the kitchen baking healthy snacks!


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Retreats Featuring Kate