JaTorra Commodore

Personal Development and Wellness Coach

Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor

Certified Yoga Instructor


JaTorra Commodore is a native New Yorker who resides in Connecticut and is a proud wife and a mom to two teenagers. She is a former educator of 20 years turned transformational life coach and mindfulness and meditation instructor. She holds a BA in Psychology and MA in Curriculum and Instruction. JaTorra guides others in mindfulness, meditation, and mindset practices that support the mind-body-spirit connection.

She supports her clients through taking back their life and living in the NOW, which in turn reduces stress, overwhelm and helps beat burnout. She is the author of the book Priority You: The Art of Taking Back Your Life as a Teacher, which details tools and strategies for helping educators through stress, overwhelm, and beating burnout. JaTorra is also the founder of the up and coming Priority You Passion Project which aims to support women with soul care tools that enhance their well-being from the inside-out.

Through her meditation classes and courses, you learn how to connect to the stillness and silence within, practice self-awareness, build greater compassion for yourself and others, harness self-love, and most of all experience calm and renewal. She hopes to be a catalyst for change in how we look at mental health and taking care of our overall well-being.

She enjoys living a life of freedom and purpose, traveling, writing. The beach is her happy place where she finds solace and serenity to disconnect from the world and reconnect to nature.


  • Ann D.

    "I am so happy I found JaTorra's meditation course. It helped me better understand meditation and the different types. Before this I found it so hard to meditate on my own. She gave great tips on focusing on my breath. Every class I took with her I left feeling calm and relaxed. Definitely great for beginners like me. I looked forward to joining every Monday. "

  • Gina B.

    "Meditation has always been so hard for me. After taking the Meditate Alleviate Elevate course, I found myself better able to meditate and focus more. She taught me that meditation is not about stopping the thoughts but quieting the thoughts and that helped so much because I know how to refocus when my mind wanders. I also love that I can practice for just 5 minutes and not for an hour. I feel better equipped to do meditation on my own now and I look forward to it. I love the calming effect it brings me."

  • JaVonnah P.

    "I fell out of practice and needed to get myself back to center. Meditating with JaTorra helped me get back into my consistent practice. I was always excited when we had our sessions because I knew I was going to feel calm and refocused after. She helped me get back to center and I have created a better consistent practice for myself because she reminded me that meditation is not about if you're doing it right or wrong it's about showing up for yourself."