Amber McBride

Sound Healer

Yoga Teacher

Yoga Nidra Guide


Amber McBride is a yoga teacher, sound healer, and has a Bachelor’s in Healthy Lifestyles Coaching. Amber was introduced to yoga in 2012 and started teaching yoga in 2015. Ever since her first yoga teacher training, Amber has completed several other certifications including Y12SR, Sound Healers Academy Level 1, Empowered Wisdom Yoga Nidra, Anusara Yoga, and more.

Throughout the years of practicing and remaining a student, Amber found her passion for slowing down through sound and conscious deep rest to unify the mind, body, and spirit. Amber currently facilitates groups at several residential and outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment centers in San Diego, CA.


  • Matthew B.

    "Amber is a great teacher, a lifetime yogi, and most of all - a wonderful friend on the path. Her practice and guidance comes from a place of deep compassion and acceptance. She meets you where you are, and honestly believes in you. She doesn’t tell you what you need to do. Rather, she creates a space where you find everything you need for yourself, yet she’s always willing to help if asked. To me, this is the art of teaching the science of yoga."

  • Amelia D.

    "I started coming to Amber’s sound healing classes during a difficult time in my life. It was 2020, and not only was I depressed but I had begun having my first grand mal seizures. I was already somewhat of a regular at ambers yoga classes and I enjoyed her spirit and her energy. When I decided to attend one of her sound healing classes, I had no idea what I was in for. Tears come to my eyes when I think about the first experience I had in Amber’s sound healing classes. This hour with Amber interpersonal. Whether you are doing a one on one sound bath or you are in a studio, it feels like it is just you, your mat, and sound. It’s not time to think, it’s time to not think, and just listen. Not everyone will begin to cry during their sound bath, but for me this was a common occurrence. Whether you are there to relax or there to relieve your emotions, Amber will help you do that. After leaving sessions with Amber, I feel light as a feather. I want to go and hug my friends, Watch a sunset, or journal. Sound healing is such a strong spiritual experience. I’m so thankful for the time I have got to spend in Amber’s classes. The same way that it’s difficult to get up and go to the gym, it can be difficult to get up and go to sound healing, but it is ALWAYS worth every second."

  • Trey

    "Thank you so much Amber for showing me Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Sound Healing in such a different way than a human can perceive it to be. Amber is truly a great teacher and she has helped me with my stress, anxiety, and most of all depression. Every week I look forward to meeting with her. Thank you Amber so much for this.... It has been such an honor to be a client of her sessions."

Retreats Featuring Amber