Appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.

Retreat Content

    1. Sound Healing Guided Meditation - Your body and mind will feel calm and relaxed as a result of this practice, which will also help you stay grounded in the here and now.

    1. All About Digestion - Learn how the body's digestive system functions, as well as what happens when something goes wrong. Additionally, tips for foods that are good for the liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and the digestive system as a whole.

    1. The Importance Of Inner Peace and How To Achieve It + a short, yet powerful guided meditation to visualize and connect with your unique inner peace path.

About this Retreat

  • 1 hour of video content

Wellness Experts Featured in this Retreat

Amber McBridge

Sound Healer

Yoga Teacher

Yoga Nidra Guide

Francesca Orlando

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

Robyn Lilly

Life Coach

Yoga Instructor

Reiki Practitioner

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