Stefanie Helene

Transformational Breath®️ Facilitator

Group Leader


Stefanie has always been interested in a more natural and holistic approach to life and she strongly believes that, given the right support, the body has the power and intelligence to heal itself. Stefanie has a background in business and she has had a short career in the corporate world. However, she always felt that this was not what she was meant to do.

Having discovered the power of the Breath in her late teens, she only came back to it when she became a mum. It helped her deal with the ups and down of life and put her back in touch with herself. So, it felt natural to pursue the study of Transformational Breath® and engage on a professional path to be able to share it with the world. Stefanie has trained in Glastonbury, UK, with Nathalie Montille, the most Senior Trainer in the UK and also in Italy with Judith Kravitz, the Founder of this modality.

Alongside her own practice, Stefanie is currently also supporting Nathalie Montille in her trainings. Stefanie says that Transformational breath® has opened her to her inner self and enhanced her intuition and empathic abilities. She finds that her access to that, combined with her ability to be fully grounded and present with her clients, allows her to hold a safe space for them to open and explore who they truly are. Stefanie is based in Colchester, Essex (UK). She offers online sessions internationally and works in both English and French.


  • Rachel D.

    “I felt Stefanie found the points (of tension) easily and she was respectful and gentle in her approach, which works well for me. I sensed that she knew where she needed to go. I felt safe and supported, which allowed me to stay with the emotional discomfort long enough to release on a deeper level than I normally manage. Thank you so much, I am struggling to express this in words which shows how amazing it was. Perfect!”

  • Chantal H.

    "I had a wonderful breathing session with Stefanie. I did set an intention and got a response. Overall, I am very satisfied. My session with Stefanie was very powerful. I had an apprehension to start with before doing the Session, my concern was with regard to the breathing techniques but through her guidance and gentleness, I felt safe and trusted Stefanie. At the end I was amazed to find out that the session had lasted one hour and that I managed to breathe through the mouth during this length of time, without even thinking about it. I am conscious at times of some deep-seated emotional issues which can be challenging for me to release and to express them. I felt that I somehow manage to release some of those blockages. Throughout the session I felt deep inner peace and a strong sense of connection with source. I know for sure that the Universe has my back and now it’s up to me to trust, detach from any outcome, always be in a state of gratitude, and simply Be. So, thank you Stefanie I would recommend Stefanie. As a therapist she demonstrated patience and will truly listen to your concerns. Whatever issues you want to work on Stefanie has the tools and knowledge to get you where you want to be."

  • Steve B.

    "Stefanie has a really warm, friendly and comforting presence. I felt very reassured throughout the session and there was good flow, plus clear instruction on what to expect. The music was the right pace and tempo for an on-line session. Instructions were clear and any changes on position were easy to follow and did not interrupt the flow of the session. I had been feeling a little anxious as work and pace of life were quickening after covid restrictions eased. The session came at just the right time, I felt held and able to relax to receive, this helped me to quieten my mind and get into my body. I felt relaxed and clear after the session."

Retreats Featuring Stefanie

Coming Soon!