Kathy Curtis

Expressive Writing Healer & Guide


Kathy Curtis has been offering expressive writing programs since 1991 to help clients transform grief, illnesses, and other emotional challenges. Her techniques provide a healthy outlet, as well as gentle guidance in finding strength, clarity, and peace.

Kathy’s work is founded on the belief that when we address emotional challenges through creative outlets, we become more intuitive and gain access to the healing energy and uplifting insights we need.

Her success as a facilitator comes from her understanding of the connection between creativity and healing, and her ability to guide every participant to their own well of healing wisdom.


  • Christine

    “I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this course. It has inspired in me a new appreciation of what it means to be in the moment. I will carry this forward in so many ways. This was truly a special course on so many levels.”

  • Nita

    "Your gentle centering exercises have helped me express and distil my feelings. I feel more prepared to continue on the journey of self-awareness and self-discovery, and simply BE in the present moment, where the gift of healing lies.”

  • John

    "This program helped me cope with a painful disease that felt like it could destroy me. I gained insights that jump-started my journey down the path of acceptance and healing.”

Retreats Featuring Kathy

Articles by Kathy

And Now We Rise

January 3, 2023

As this new year begins, I can't help but think of the ancient Greeks, whose folklore gave us the human power of transformation disguised in a fiery plume of feathers. As the story goes, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.

By using the following breath techniques you can drastically change the outcome of your day from a draining one to an uplifting one.