Isabella Koepf

Yoga Therapist

Clinical Herbalist

Holistic Nutritionist

Ayurvedic Practitioner

Health Coach


Isabella is a yoga therapist, clinical herbalist, holistic nutritionist, Ayurvedic practitioner, and health coach with a B.Sc. in psychology, biology, and religious studies. Her journey into holistic healing began due to first-hand struggles with misdiagnosed health issues, chronic pain, and trauma. After spending years searching for answers, she eventually took her health into her own hands and discovered the power of holistic healing.

Isabella currently runs a health and wellness counseling business called Surya Bella Wellness to assist others in this healing process. She primarily supports people in their mental health recovery specializing in addiction and domestic abuse through the holistic healing tools of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and herbal medicine.


  • Larissa

    "Isabella is good at asking questions that make me think differently about myself and what is going on in my head. In coaching sessions, Isabella helped me work through a couple of hurdles that I have been struggling with for years."

  • Sabrina

    "Isabella is a highly educated holistic health professional while also being super down to earth and easy to connect with! I really love her background in Ayurveda and greatly appreciate the way she implements various lifestyle, food, and mindfulness techniques into her protocol – all completely attuned to the client."

  • Brittany

    "Isabella is such an impressive herbalist! She is incredibly knowledgeable and has a wide variety of skills. She pays attention to all the details and matches a comprehensive protocol to her client that is helpful without being overwhelming."

Retreats Featuring Isabella

Coming Soon!