Christie Szpyrka

Licensed Massage Therapist

Holistic Health Practitioner


Christie Szpyrka, LMT is a Holistic Health Practitioner, internationally best selling author, teacher, and public speaker whose path has evolved off of the massage table and into the world of coaching. With over ten years of experience as a massage therapist, she has worked on over 1,000 clients in a wide variety of settings such as a chiropractor's office, high end spas, and backstage at concerts and music festivals.

Throughout the years of working as a massage therapist, Christie has learned about the intrinsic relationship of the Mind-Body connection. It became apparent to her that when people were experiencing chronic pain, there was always more to the story than just a muscular imbalance.

Inspired to help people heal on a deeper level after witnessing her mother succumb to a neurological disease, she came across the world of coaching and enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a certified Health Coach. While that program was life changing, she knew there was even more to learn and is currently enrolled in BodyMind Coaching with Laura Weick and will finish her certification in June 2023.

Over the years she has also completed her 200 hour YTT, and became certified in Reiki, astrology and tarot reading so that she can bring these tools to her clients and help them discover who they are in a way modern society often overlooks.

Christie’s primary focus is on helping people who live in chronic pain that have not been able to resolve their pain through modern medical practices, and are looking for a holistic approach to connect with their body and take the steps to proactively heal themselves. Her goal is to help people who feel like they are living in a prison and are on a path to rediscovering their inner divinity so that they can claim their life as their own.


  • Victoria W.

    "Christie is the best!! She has been working with me for about 15 sessions and we have made so much progress with my shoulder. It used to hurt every single day and we have gotten to a place where it barely hurts at all (unless I do something strenuous). She is always willing to listen to feedback and adjust technique to help fit what is going on with my body. There is no one size fits all treatment. She is such a calming presence and I swear her hands are magic! Highly highly recommended, everyone needs this in their lives."

  • Chris M.

    "I cannot sing enough praises for Christie, and the healing work she is capable of: Body Mind and Soul. I have been seeing her off and on for a couple years now, and could go on forever, but you really just need to experience her experience for yourself."

  • Eleanor I.

    "Christie is a thoughtful and thorough therapist who is dedicated to getting to the bottom of whatever muscular issue you have. With myofascial work, she helped me get a scar-tissued hamstring back on track. And with trigger point therapy, I have averted traditional treatments for a strained rotator cuff. I have found that Christie is essential to a balanced wellness plan for coping with the strains of exercise and life! I highly recommend her!"

Retreats Featuring Christie

Coming Soon!