Bre Schwarm

Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Burnout Prevention Coach


After working in Corporate America for 8 different companies over 13 years, Bre witnessed a lot of driven, high achievers burning the candle at both ends. And quickly watched herself do the same during the pandemic–working from home full time, going back to school for health coaching, and trying to start a business. Three years post-pandemic, Bre was surprised to see these tendencies still going strong (to work over time, save no time for yourself, and over commit), especially for those who work from home! So she decided to dedicate her coaching practice to burnout prevention and self care to help people find themselves again.

In her coaching practice, she helps her clients: advocate for themselves, find brief moments of peace in a busy day, make time for mini breaks, be okay saying no, find joy and play, and imagine the lives they truly desire.

Bre has been coaching since 2018. She became a Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) in 2022. In her practice, she uses motivational interviewing, positive psychology, stages of change, and strengths-based coaching which are evidence-based techniques to promote behavior and lasting lifestyle changes. Additionally, Bre has received multiple certifications in functional medicine, integrative medicine, breath work, and heart coherence.


  • Brenda

    “Bre is an active listener. She is patient, understanding and compassionate. She has helped me understand how to set attainable goals, and the actions I can take towards them. In spite of experiencing burnout, I was able to see the impact that even the seemingly smallest of actions could add up to…including my belief in myself. Working with Bre is a great way to build a snowball effect of self-empowerment, and I absolutely recommend booking with her before her schedule fills up!”

  • Paul

    “What a great experience! Bre has helped me focus on and work towards achieving my goals in a way that really worked for me! Forever thankful as I keep moving forward!”

Retreats Featuring Bre

Coming Soon!