Ana Sides

Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Nutritional Therapist

Non-Toxic Lifestyle Coach


Ana helps people with chronic and mystery health symptoms regain their health using advanced healing information from The Medical Medium®, along with other natural modalities including nutritional support, herb & supplemental guidance, discovering triggers, implementing a non-toxic home, meditation and breathing techniques, and compassionate support. She has helped clients naturally heal women's health issues, breastmilk supply, acid reflux, IBS, SIBO, gastrointestinal disorders, joint pain, anxiety, depression, eczema, children's health, autoimmune conditions, and more.


  • Maria R.

    "For two long years, I endured heartburn, gastritis, reflux, and weight loss, making eating an agonizing ordeal. Despite consulting numerous doctors who prescribed medications like omeprazole, my condition only worsened. I searched for different specialists but saw no improvement. However, meeting Ana and entrusting her with my care has proven to be a life-changing decision. Her program and healing protocol has yielded remarkable improvements in my health. I can now enjoy a wide range of foods and feel like my old self again. I am forever thankful!"

  • Darius N.

    "Ana helped me rethink my approach to diet, nutrition and wellness. While living an extremely corporate life (i.e., travel, fast food, long hours), my body kept sending increasingly strong messages that something needed to change, and change drastically. Ana showed me the importance of eating whole foods / eliminating processed foods, significantly elevating my intake of fruits and vegetables and incorporating appropriate supplementation (who knew the supplement industry was so unregulated??). Since starting on my journey, I've dropped weight, reduced inflammation and have been able to re-engage with activities I was concerned I would never do again. Thanks Ana!"

  • Adam H

    "Ana worked with me for over a year on various health issues. Her guidance and advice was excellent to help me mitigate and clear up problems that traditional medicine seemed unable to help with. I was experiencing a series of chronic health conditions that included severe GI attacks (for which I was hospitalized), prostate issues, eczema, sinusitis, and heart palpitations. Ana recommended cleanses, modifications to my diet, and supplements that have had profound effects. I have not felt as good as I feel now in a long time! Thank you, Ana, for sharing your knowledge and your positive attitude!"

Retreats Featuring Ana

Coming Soon!

Articles by Ana

Essential Foods & Herbs for Breastfeeding Mamas

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the incredible capabilities of our bodies? For over nine months, they nurture and grow new life within us. And when the time is right, our little ones arrive. It's a magical moment when a newborn is placed on Mama's tummy, and the baby instinctively seeks out the mother's breast for that very first feed, a process known as the "breast crawl." Our bodies grow babies, babies find the breast on their own, and our bodies produce milk uniquely tailored for them. It's an astounding collaboration between our bodies and our babies, adjusting milk composition as needed over time. How truly amazing is that?

Supplements: Being Extremely Selective Matters!

In today's market, there seems to be a "perfect" supplement available for every need, presented in attractive capsules, powders, and tinctures. These products claim to enhance various aspects of health, from promoting hair growth and easing digestive issues to improving skin, preventing migraines, boosting sleep quality, strengthening immunity, increasing energy levels, and more. However, with such an abundance of choices available, it's crucial to exercise caution and be extremely selective when purchasing and consuming supplements. While many supplements can provide valuable support, there are three important reasons why you should prioritize quality and transparency in your choices.

Treating HPV & Dysplasia Naturally: A Holistic Approach

If you’ve been diagnosed with HPV or have been told that you have ‘precancerous’ cervical changes or cervical dysplasia, there’s a good chance you’re already in panic mode. It’s extremely overwhelming and scary, and sadly, many practitioners don’t reassure or guide you on how to treat HPV naturally. But actually, you DO have options for treating HPV and the abnormal cells it can lead to. And you can do this without surgery or standard medical procedures.